Classes of insurance

Health insurance

Health insurance protects insured persons against illness and grants benefits in the event of incapacity for work due to illness or maternity. Public preventive healthcare measures represent a special area. Within this framework, social insurance contributions are used to proactively maintain the health of individuals.

Health insurance services are also available to dependants who have no social health insurance protection of their own. Spouses and children qualify as dependants. Children are included as dependants until they reach the age of 18 and further if they are studying or undergoing vocational training. Partners, parents and other relatives may receive benefits, when certain requirements are met.

Pension insurance

Pension benefits are intended to approximately replace the earned income for individuals who have exited the workforce due to old age or occupational disability/incapacity. In the event of an insured person's death, pensions serve as a substitute for the lost maintenance support. Pension insurance may also include measures for preventive healthcare and rehabilitation.

Accident insurance

Accident insurance takes care of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, accident prevention, initial first aid in case of occupational accidents, as well as accident medical treatment, rehabilitation of the disabled and compensation for occupational accidents and occupational diseases.