Health insurance

Residence in an EU or EEA member state or Switzerland

The decisions are in principle made based on the respective provisions of the REG. (EEC) 1408/1971 and REG. (EEC) 574/1972, and as of 1st May 2010, the REG. (EC) 883/2004 and REG. (EC) 987/2009 since. Per these you and your dependants shall receive the health insurance benefits from the health insurance authority of your country of residence in accordance with its legal regulations. In general, this would also apply, if you would be receiving a pension from your country of residence.

If there is no established health insurance coverage in your country of residence and no participating member state or Switzerland is responsible for implementing your health insurance, you and your dependants shall receive health insurance benefits based on the Austrian pension entitlement and at the cost of the Austrian health insurance. This temporary provision of benefits will be carried out by the health insurance authority in your country of residence in accordance with its rules and regulations.

For more informations, please contact the pension or health insurance authority of your country of residence.

Residence in an agreement member state

The decisions are based on the respective provisions of the agreement regarding social security coverage. However, not all the agreements contain regulations on health insurance for pensioners. Relevant regulations currently exist in following countries:

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey.

If you are living in one of the above-mentioned countries and are not receiving a pension according to the statutory provisions of your country of residence, then you and your dependants shall receive health insurance benefits based on the Austrian pension entitlement and at the cost of the Austrian health insurance. This temporary provision of benefits will be carried out by the health insurance authority in your country of residence in accordance with its rules and regulations.

For more informations, please contact the pension or health insurance authority of your country of residence.

Registration for Austrian health insurance

The claim of benefits from the national health insurance at the cost of Austrian health insurance requires registration with the responsible Austrian health insurance authority, as well as registration with the assisting health insurance authority in the state of residence.

No pension can be received in accordance with the regulations of the state of residence

If you are residing in an EU or EEA member state or Switzerland, as well as in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia or Turkey, the verification of the preconditions for registration for health insurance as well as the registration itself are normally carried out during the process of determination of pension.

Pension can be received in accordance with the regulations of the state of residence

If you are residing in an EU or EEA member state or Switzerland, the verification does not normally occur automatically. We therefore request you to promptly inform us, if you do not have a national health care coverage in your state of residence.

If you are residing in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia or Turkey, the health care coverage is based on the provisions of the state of residence. In this case the registration for the Austrian health insurance is not possible.

Contribution to the Austrian health insurance

In the event of registration for the Austrian health insurance, contribution has to be paid to the Austrian health insurance from basically any pension, with the exception of the orphan’s pension.

Temporary stay in Austria

If you are residing in an EU or EEA member state or in one of the above-mentioned agreement countries or in Switzerland, then you and your dependants are also entitled to urgently needed services (medical assistance and institutional care), even if you are only temporarily staying in Austria. These costs are covered by the health insurance authority of your state of residence.

For more informations, please contact the health insurance authority of your country of residence.