Heavy Labour Notification

If insured persons carry out activities under difficult working conditions, within the meaning of the Federal Regulation on Heavy Labour, the employer has to report this unrequested to the relevant health insurance institution.

Trigger/purpose of the notification

There are activities that indicate the existence of heavy labour within the meaning of the Regulation on Heavy Labour.


A male person who is insured under the pension insurance scheme has reached the age of 40 or a female person has reached the age of 35.

From this point, an activity has been carried out that indicates the existence of heavy labour within the meaning of the Regulation on Heavy Labour.


The heavy labour registration must be submitted once a year by the end of February of the following year.

Responsible authority

The heavy work registration must be submitted to the relevant health insurance institution.

Process and procedure

The notification shall only be deemed submitted if it is transmitted via ELDA (electronic data exchange with the Austrian social insurance institutions).

Registrations submitted by other means, in particular in paper form, by email or by telephone, are not deemed submitted.

Specifics of the notification

Employers do not have to submit a declaration of heavy labour for insurance periods in which there is no compulsory insurance under the pension insurance scheme, such as periods of reduced employment.

If the employer causes a breach in the reporting obligation and the insured person suffers any disadvantage, there may be civil claims.

Modifying/correcting the notification

To correct an incorrect heavy labour application, it must be deleted and a new application submitted.