Social Security Number Request

The ten-digit social security number is an important classification term within social insurance. In addition to a contribution account number, a social security number must exist for each person before they can be registered for social security. The social security number can be found on the e-card.

In the case of foreign employees who are taking up employment in Austria for the first time and do not have a social security number, this must be requested no later than during the electronic transmission of the registration. The application is made electronically with the social security number request notification.

Trigger/purpose of the notification

The person to be registered does not have a social security number. 

The registering body does not know the social security number.


  • The employer has a contribution account number.
  • All the information needed to request the social security number is known for the person in question.


The request for the social security number must be made no later than during the submission of the registration.

Responsible authority

The request for the social security number must be sent to the relevant health insurance institution.

Process and procedure

The notification shall be submitted via ELDA (electronic data exchange with Austrian Social Insurance Institutions).

Please, record the personal data required for the notification (for example surname(s), first name(s), nationality, date of birth) from an official personal document of the policyholder (passport or identity card) and keep a copy for queries.

Attention: the social security number is assigned on the basis of the data you submit.

After determining or reassigning the social security number, the reporting office will receive notification of the social security number via the clearing system. You will need to transfer the social security number into your payroll accounting software. This will ensure that the social security number is available for all further social security notifications.

If a new social security number is assigned, the insured person will receive an e-card, provided that he or she also has health insurance coverage.

Specifics of the notification

You can check the social security number via the WEBEKU web application. This means that it is always possible to check whether a social security number exists for the person in question. The social security number request notification is only necessary if the query in WEBEKU does not return a result.

Modifying/correcting the notification 

If an incorrect address is provided when the social security number is requested, this must be corrected by means of the insured person‘s address notification. If other data (for example, citizenship) was reported incorrectly, please contact the relevant health insurance institution.