Life certificate

Submission obligation

If you are a pensioner living abroad, you are obligated to submit a life certificate once a year in order to receive your pension payment. All pensioners with the place of residence in Germany, whose Austrian pension is paid out in Germany, are exempted from the submission obligation.  

Forwarding life certificate

The forms are delivered once a year, each year in January. The form is immediately to be sent back to the Pension insurance authority signed and certified. A „statement of acquisition and income rate“ is requested only in case any other income could have influence on your pension payment.

If the duly completed and certified form does not reach us immediately, the pension can not be paid out.

You can find the form “Lebensbestätigung” (life certificate) in several languages online under www.pv.at – Life Certificate , www.svs.at - Lebensbestätigung (Life certificate)or www.bvaeb.at - life certificate..